Minerality, what are we talking about?
The most difficult concepts are the most debated. Among them, in oenology, there is one that occupies a special place: minerality. If there is not yet scientific explanations behind this word, it is often used in tasting comments. Most of the time associated to “flint”, “stone”, sometimes linked with “freshness”, “liveliness”, the notion of “minerality” is always positive.
- Are you looking to unveil the varietal typicity of your Chardonnay wines while bringing minerality and elegance?
- Are you interested in producing fresh, vibrant, balanced and modern white wines?
- Are yeast robustness and reliability a priority for your white wine fermentation?
LALVIN NBC™ has been isolated on Chardonnay in Burgundy by the Centre Œnologique de Bourgogne (COEB). It was selected for its robust and reliable alcoholic performance and its ability to enhance minerality and crispiness in white wines.
Its properties
- Steady and reliable even in challenging conditions.
- Ability to ferment at low temperature.
- Excellent compatibility with selected wine bacteria for malolactic fermentation.
Its benefits
- Elegant texture with aromatic finesse.
- Crisp finish with minerality and citrus notes.
- Also suitable for barrel fermentation, enhancing freshness and wood integration.

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